All storytimes feature an assortment of age-appropriate stories, rhymes, fingerplays, flannels, music, and movement to help your child develop language and early literacy skills.
All storytimes feature an assortment of age-appropriate stories, rhymes, fingerplays, flannels, music, and movement to help your child develop language and early literacy skills.
Join us as we formally reopen the downtown library with a ribbon-cutting ceremony coordinated by the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce. Ceremony followed by a musical performance featuring Harpist Bethany Shuda and light refreshments.
Stop down to the Dabble Box and see where your creativity takes you! We'll have lots of equipment and supplies available for all ages.
Some of the biggest controversies in American democracy today involve democracy itself.
Love anime or manga? Check out the Animanga Club for teens (grades 6-12)! Watch anime, create themed projects, and socialize with others who share a common interest. Snacks provided!
You do not need to attend all events in the series.